Are you struggling with any of these problems?
When it comes to handling debt collections in-house, many people struggle with similar issues. At the core, debt collection calls aren’t exactly fun to make and because they can be uncomfortable, the task can sometimes be found on the back burner.
You may find in reading the following six common debt collection problems people face that you also feel the same way. Do any of these describe your feelings?
1. I fear making collection calls … so I put them off, which only makes the debt harder to collect.
2. My customer files are a disorganized nightmare … so I end up wasting precious time trying to find the stuff I need.
3. I get caught off guard while on a call by something I didn’t see coming … so I stammer and stutter my way through, which usually means I have to call again a week later because I STILL don’t see a check.
4. I’m so busy running my business … I put past due accounts out of mind so they just get older and colder and harder to collect.
5. My customer information is out of date … so I end up wasting time just re-collecting the most basic of information.
6. I’m not assertive or authoritative … so I often feel manipulated into making a bad deal or into waiting even longer to get paid.
If you struggle with any of the above, there is help. Our web-based software system called Profit Maximizer offers one-on-one guidance to help you streamline your in-house procedures leading to fewer outstanding invoices.
From call scripts to collection letter templates, we offer communication tools that get results. At C2C Resources, we teach our techniques to our customers and we provide them with tools so they can use what they learn right away.
Our methods are practical and easy to implement the day you learn them.
Contact us today to find out how you can begin using Profit Maximizer today.