Managing your accounts receivables in-house is the best way to maximize your profitability. The big challenge is managing them effectively! C2C’s Profit Maximizer is the software you need for the job. And with our up-coming enhancements, it’ll be better than ever!
Given the many tasks involved in operating a business, it should come as no surprise that making collection calls and sending collection notices often gets put on the back burner. It’s the least enjoyable part of running a business. However, if you have the right tools to manage your Accounts Receivables, staying on top of collections is much easier.
C2C Resources provides a powerful Accounts Receivables management software system designed to help businesses keep track of the many A/R details that come with any business operation. We call it Profit Maximizer because our resources can help your A/R personnel maximize your receivables collections.
Profit Maximizer is a thorough organizational tool that’s easy to use. From Contact Management to Reporting systems, Profit Maximizer helps you organize the details of each account. You’ll also find helpful call scripts to adapt and follow for each situation as well as collection notices that can be quickly filled in and emailed. The work is done for you saving you loads of valuable time. And the best part? Early next year, users will be able to sync to Quickbooks and input Excel spreadsheets even if using different software – all with the click of a button.
As a partner, we provide our clients with everything they will need to manage accounts receivables in-house through our Profit Maximizer program. Experience the difference with Profit Maximizer! Check it out at C2C Resources.