C2C Resources: Get Inside Help To Help You Collect a Debt

17 Jul

Speaking with the decision maker in a company can be a challenge

It’s a waste of time and energy to make a collection call to the wrong person within a company. And depending on the size of the company you’re dealing with, you might have to climb over layers of department heads to even get close to the ‘big dog’ at the top. In many cases, he’s cut himself off from the day-to-day matters of A/R.

So, what do you do if you can’t reach the head person?

In cases where you’re just not going to get to the top, do yourself a favor and recalibrate your efforts:

Try to find a champion within the company who has the decision maker’s ear.

The person you need to connect with is someone with clout who regularly has an audience with the decision maker. Once you find that person, be liberal with respect for their time and recognition of the challenges they face.

Each phone call should be purposeful and direct, void of exaggerated or inflated statements on your part. Deliver only the facts with honesty and integrity.

You can keep the conversation on-point by referencing the amount owed and requesting a specific date for payment. When you express genuine appreciation for the work being done on your behalf and understanding for the challenges faced in the process, your champion is more likely to become the voice you’re looking for; Someone who pleads your case to get you paid.

Don’t give up collecting the money that’s owed to you just because you can’t speak to the head honcho. Create a champion to make your case for you!


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